Development of a web tool for the Scottish snowpatches community

Posted by & filed under Data, Mountains & hills, Science, Software engineering, May 2 2024.

Background Following on from my blog posting from July 2023 ‘Snowpatches and satellites‘, I have been involved in some technical development work using Earth Observation (EO) technologies and satellite imagery. For many years I have monitored and observed long-lasting snowpatches in the Scottish mountains, and as mentioned in the previous blog posting, I have carried… Read more »

A GIS visualisation of the COVID-19 pandemic

Posted by & filed under IT & the Internet, Science, Software engineering, April 10 2020.

  One thing that has become noticeable in the current COVID-19 pandemic is a plethora of web-based visualisations about the impact of the virus. Most of these are line graphs showing exponential or vaguely bell-shaped curves and peaks typical of mathematical models of the spread of diseases. Many of these visualisations show the spatial, or… Read more »

GIS MSc – part two

Posted by & filed under IT & the Internet, Mountains & hills, Personal, Science, Software engineering, August 24 2017.

The three-year part-time remote learning UNIGIS UK MSc course I recently finished had two very different components – the first two years consisted of teaching modules of learning materials and assessed assignments (see my earlier blog posting about this here), and the third year involved the planning, development and writing of a dissertation, which is… Read more »

What makes a ‘webmaster’?

Posted by & filed under IT & the Internet, Software engineering, September 20 2007.

In my job at the moment, I’m considering what it means to have responsibility for a website – what does this entail? A term that is often used in this respect is ‘webmaster’, but what does this mean? It’s a pretty vague term, but it’s used an awful lot – it’s often seen as text… Read more »

The great Java/Perl debate

Posted by & filed under Software engineering, July 9 2007.

An enduring aspect of the various academic IT-related jobs I have had over the years has been the ongoing and seemingly endless debate about the merits of the Perl and Java programming languages, with strong adherents on both sides. Perl in many ways is seen by some people (not just software engineers) as a poor… Read more »