Eddie's Photo Archive

This is the new website interface for Eddie's Photo Archive (utilising the Drupal Content Management System and a Responsive Web Design theme using Bootstrap). The content of the website is in transition to the new interface and some of the content will still use the old interface until this process is completed.

This is my personal website where I have archived my photographs, mostly from my hillwalking in Scotland and my travel to other places. It also contains my webpages for two of my associated interests, air wreck sites and perennial snow in the Scottish mountains. My blog (which I started in February 2007) is also contained on this website.






Map of aircraft wreck sites in the Scottish mountains

This is a new feature of the website that uses an OpenStreetMaps interface (delivered with the Drupal OpenLayers mapping module) showing all the aircraft wreck sites I have visited.


Map of snowpatch sites in the Cairngorm mountains

This map is similar to the wreck sites map but shows the location of perennial or long-lasting snowpatches in the Cairngorm mountains.