Hallside Steelwork Melters: My maternal grandfather William Dawson is in the 
middle row 3rd from right, he lived at Vicar's Walk and had 9 children, 
my uncles Hugh and Duncan were active members of the Cambuslang Salvation Army 
and both worked as managers of Co-op Grocer Stores

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Circa 1924, 37 Park Street and area Cambuslang, both these pictures were taken on the 
same day at the same location. 
Boy's group: my Uncle John Morris age 8, 1st on left middle row, he fought in WW2 around
1946 was admitted to Hartwood Mental Hospital in Shotts suffering from "post war syndrome" 
where he died in 1948 at age 32. 
Girl's group: my aunt May Morris age 14 top row 2nd from right end holding toddler's head 
in place, and no that was not her child. 

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