Hello Barry,

This is a delightful nostalgic recollection. Would you like me to include it on my website, with your photos?

Some of the memories click with me. I too swam in the Skudgie (what a name) , albeit for only a few feet from the bank. As you say, it was filled with allsorts. I especially remember the swarms of young eels. And, there was always stories of previous drownings there.

I remember that the name of the firm who processed the slag was 'Clugston' and a lot of the crushed stone went for new road foundations when the new Cairns housing scheme was being built.

The other place where they used to play ‘hoyers’ is where I've marked with an X. Though, I seem to recall it being called a pitch & toss school - probably incorrectly.

You mention 'daft Wullie'. I know there were a lot of such characters loose in the area, and maybe they were all given the affectionate tag. But the one I remember had red hair in a crew cut style, who I believe lived in the Burbank Model. He wore an old army greatcoat and was usually seen hanging onto bus platform rails.

I love your poem. I had to explain to my wife what a tolie was. I'll put that on the poem page.