Message from Agnes...

A lot of blanks there but I do have some names, hopefully someone will recognise themselves.

Front Row: ???
Second Row, Right to Left: Agnes ?, Agnes Rarity (me, lol), ?, Tom ?,
Third Row Right to Left: Senga ?, ?, ? Nesbit, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Ann ?, ?, Irene Reid
Fourth Row: ????
Top Row: ?????

Name update from Jackie Gribbon Nov 2016

I’m front row, second from right with the snazzy tartan trousers and wellies.

Also, front row 3rd from right, Jim Buist. 3rd row 4th from left Isobel (something?), and next to her in 5th position Sharon Macfarlane. 3rd row 3rd from right Sandra Nisbett and far right Heather Stuart. 4th row 2nd from right David Kirk and 6th from right Jean Barr. Back row 2nd from right Andrew Aird, in the middle with glasses Jim Dixon and far left David Swan (maybe – a bit fuzzy).

A lot of other faces there that I recognise too. When the names come back to me I’ll let you know!


Cathkin 1965.jpg (654884 bytes)

More names from Ian Craig - Jan 2017

Back row - first on left David Swan, fourth from left is me Ian Craig, fifth left Jim Dixon, I think sixth from left is Billy Harris, second right Andy Aird

Second back row; first on left Alan Borland, third from left Alistair Brown, fifth from left Jean Barr, second from right David Kirk (who tragically died of asthma attack whilst at Cathkin Primary)

Third back row: fourth from left Isabel Pollock, fifth from left Sharon MacFarlane, sixth from left Janice Arbuckle, third from right Sandra Nesbitt, fourth from right Brenda Rowantree (I think)

Second Row: fourth from left Jim Eaglesham, sixth from left Derek Bisset, fourth from right Tom Linen

Front Row: second from left Billy MacDowall, Jackie Gribbon second from right